ERASMUS+ (Romania) 
Project Overview
Project title: Inter-institutional agreement 2021-2027 between institutions from Programme and Partner Countries
Country: Romania (South-eastern Europe)
Erasmus code or city : RO ORADEA01
Subject area code: 0723
Subject area name: Textiles (Clothes, Footwear, and Leather)
Project Summary
Erasmus+ Programme Countries are the 28 EU countries, the EFTA countries and other European countries as defined in the Call for proposals. The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in all aspects of the organisation and management of the mobility, in particular the recognition of the credits (or equivalent) awarded to students by the partner institution. The institutions also commit to sound and transparent management of funds allocated to them through Erasmus+.
Project Requirement
Recommended language level: Compulsory B1 English
(the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is recommended)
Additional Requirement: Selections shall be carried out according to the Erasmus+ Charter. A copy of all documents pertaining to the selctions shall be sent to RO ORADEA01.
**For more information about CEFR, please visit website
Project Important Date
Remarks (*): to be adapted in case of a trimester system
Deadlines for submitting the application forms for Erasmus students:
Full-year or 1st semester: 30 June
2nd semester: 30 November
List of Available Courses
Faculty of Arts - Arts, Music, Master
Faculty of Construction and Architecture - Architecture, Civil Industrial and Agricultural Construction, Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Protection, Land Measurements and Land Survey
Faculty of Economics - Bachelor, master
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology - Bachelor, Master
Faculty of Energy Engineering and Industrial Management - Energy Engineering, Textiles and Industrial Management: Bachelor, Master
Faculty of Environmental Protection
Faculty of Geography, Tourism and Sports
Faculty of History, International Relations, Political and Communication Sciences - History, International Relations and European Studies
Faculty of Humanities - Psycology, Social work (Sociology), Special Education (Bachelor); Primary Preschool Education (Bachelor); Integrated Education (Master)
Faculty of Management and Technological Engineering
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy - Medicine
Project Coordinator
Contact RMUTP
Institutional Coordinator Academic Contact Person
Dr. Gumporn Supasettaysa Asst. Prof. Rattanaphol Mongkholrattana
Director of International Affairs Faculty of Industrial Textiles and Fashion Design.
Email: gumporn.s@rmutp.ac.th / interaffairs@rmutp.ac.th Email: rattanaphol.m@rmutp.ac.th / itfd@rmutp.ac.th
Website: https://www.rmutp.ac.th/en/ Website: https://www.itfd.rmutp.ac.th
Contact Universitatea din Oradea
Institutional Coordinator Academic Contact Person
Ms. Carmen Buran Assoc. Prof. Dr. Indrie Liliana
Email: cburan@uoradea.ro Department of Textiles, Leather and Industrial Management
Website: Erasmus incoming Students Faculty of Energy Engineering and Industrial Management
Main Website: Universitatea din Oradea Website: Department of Textiles, Leather and Industrial Management